When you need chimney repair, you need to hire a professional. There are several things that you need to ask to ensure that you get the right contractor. Finding the best company can take a little work, but it’s worthwhile in the end. A chimney that is not properly cared for can become a hazard, so you need to know that you are working with a reputable company with a team of trained professionals. When seeking brick chimney repair in Montgomery County, PA, our team at Above All Chimney & Masonry is ready to help you.
Basic Questions to Ask
Your home is important to you so when hiring a chimney contractor, there are some basic questions to ask. This includes references, length of time in business, liability insurance coverage, and guarantees or warranties that they offer. These will provide you with the information that you need to make a good decision.
1. Length of Time in Business
Asking this question will let you know if they have experience in chimney repair work. Understanding how many jobs a company does in a year successfully provides insight into the company. You can also ask if they have any specialties that you should be aware of. While newer companies may still provide quality service, it’s important to look closely at them to see if they get good reviews of positive work. No matter how long the company has been in business, ask for references. This will give you an idea of the experiences past customers have had.
2. Liability Coverage for the Job
Ask about the liability coverage that the company carries. It’s important in the event that there anything happens. They should be able to show you their proof of coverage. If they are unwilling to discuss this or show proof of coverage, it may be time to find another chimney repair company. Chimney repair work can be dangerous so if anyone is injured, there is the potential that it could have to be covered by your home insurance policy. Just check beforehand so that you have peace of mind.
3. Ask About the Availability of Video Scanning
Some companies provide an option to their clients for video of the interior of their chimneys. While this may seem like an add-on option, it can help homeowners understand the problems that the contractor finds. This can help with making decisions about the work that needs to be done immediately.
4. Ask About Any Warranties or Guarantees that Companies Offer
Respectable companies who do quality work will offer some sort of guarantee for their work. While the guarantee or warranty may differ between companies, knowing that the work is protected can help you make a sound decision about a particular contractor.
Caring for Your Chimney is An Important Part of Home Care
When you are looking for chimney repair in Levittown, PA, turn to Above All Chimney & Masonry. Our professional team will take care of your chimney and protect your home. Call us today for more information!